Why are cloth nappies the better choice for our environment

In recent years, more and more parents have been considering using cloth nappies for their babies instead of disposable ones. The reasons for this shift are numerous, but one of the most significant is the positive impact that cloth nappies can have on the environment. In this blog post, we will explore the environmental benefits of cloth nappies.

Reduced Waste

One of the most significant benefits of cloth nappies is that they produce far less waste than disposable nappies. Disposable nappies are designed to be used once and then thrown away, which means that each time a baby needs a new nappy, a new one must be produced and then disposed of. This creates a significant amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

On the other hand, cloth nappies can be used multiple times, and when they are no longer usable, they can be recycled or repurposed. This means that cloth nappies create much less waste than disposable nappies, and they have a much lower impact on the environment.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Another environmental benefit of cloth nappies is that they have a much lower carbon footprint than disposable nappies. Disposable nappies are made from a combination of plastics, wood pulp, and other materials, all of which require energy to produce and transport. The production and transportation of disposable nappies contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

Cloth nappies, on the other hand, are made from natural materials like cotton, bamboo, or hemp. These materials require less energy to produce and transport, which means that cloth nappies have a much lower carbon footprint than disposable nappies.

Reduced Water Usage

Disposable nappies also have a significant impact on water usage. The production of disposable nappies requires large amounts of water, and the process of disposing of them can also have an impact on water usage. When disposable nappies end up in landfills, they can release harmful chemicals into the environment, including those that can contaminate groundwater.

Cloth nappies, on the other hand, require much less water to produce and can be washed and reused multiple times before they need to be replaced. While washing cloth nappies does use water, it is far less than the amount of water required to produce and dispose of disposable nappies.


The environmental benefits of cloth nappies are numerous and significant. By choosing to use cloth nappies instead of disposable ones, parents can help reduce waste, lower their carbon footprint, and reduce water usage. While cloth nappies do require more effort than disposable ones, many parents find that the benefits outweigh the extra work. If you're considering cloth nappies for your baby, remember that every little bit helps when it comes to protecting the environment.

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