Shipping Information

All parcels are shipped using Australia Post eparcel service. 

We apply a flat rate $9.95 shipping fee onto all parcels.

The basic fee does not cover insurance and any lost parcels will not be covered by Berry Bottoms. Any parcels that are undelivered and insurance is not applied to will not be reimbursed or resent. 

We offer an insurance fee on all parcels to cover them in the event they are lost or damaged in transit. If you wish to apply insurance to your parcel please ensure you select the 'Shipping + Insurance' rate at checkout. 

The following conditions apply to insurance:

  1. Parcels are covered to be re-issued only. We will not refund the parcel value in the event it is lost or damaged.
  2. Where a parcel does not arrive the customer must contact Australia Post to investigate the whereabouts of the parcel. Only once Australia Post deems the parcel is lost will a replacement be sent.
  3. A replacement will not be sent in the event of a delayed delivery.
  4. Where a parcel is marked as delivered, we may require a police report to note the parcel as stolen from the delivery premises. 
  5. Parcels are not covered if the customer gives the wrong address and they are still delivered as instructed in the shipping details given to us. 
  6. Insurance does not cover re-shipping fees where a parcel is returned to us due to customer error such as incorrect address, parcels not picked up from the post office etc.